The LabStrong™ D0813LS cartridge is comparable to the Thermo Scientific™ Barnstead™ D0813 cartridge. Side-by-side testing shows fantastic results for purity and longevity. The LabStrong™ water purification cartridge is used with the Thermo Fisher Scientific™ Barnstead™ B-Pure™ and Bantam™ water purification systems. The LabStrong™ cartridge is also used in cooling loops. The water purification cartridge provides outstanding quality you expect from your water system at a low cost. The cartridge is an economical alternative for all laboratories.
LabStrong™ takes extra care in sealing our water purification cartridges to ensure exceptional quality is maintained throughout the two year shelf life. This cartridge is sealed in a military specification vapor barrier foil Mylar bag, which dramatically inhibits drying out of the resin. The LabStrong™ GSX28LS O-Ring Canister Gasket, which is comparable to the Thermo Fisher Scientific™ Barnstead™ GSX28 O-Ring, is sold separately.
Need additional assistance to replace the cartridge? Contact our Technical Service Team:
Phone: 563-588-8900
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– Made in USA with Global Materials –
*Bantam, Barnstead, Thermo Fisher Scientific and B-Pure are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific. LabStrong cartridge products are not affiliated with, nor supplied or sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
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