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Ben Friedman, a Media Studies senior at Loras College in Dubuque, started as a media intern with LabStrong in the summer of 2019. Ben’s first video assignment with the company had few requirements and gave him almost complete creative freedom. The only parameter was the video needed to either showcase the company or promote a soon to release water purification system, the Rapids™.

Challenging himself, Ben decided to create an animated commercial to promote the release of the Rapids. The finished video was amazing and you’d never know that it was the first animation that Ben ever created. Not only has the animated video been a big hit for the company, he has gained the attention of others outside of the lab equipment industry.

In February, Ben earned 1st place honors at the Iowa College Media Association for Best Promo, Commercial, or PSA .

Another high honor was soon to follow with a nomination for an award through the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Upper Midwest Chapter . Every spring, colleges in the five state region submit student work to be nominated for Upper Midwest Emmy Foundation Student Production Awards. On Friday, April 3, 2020, the awards were presented via a live stream and Ben’s animation took first place in the Commercial Category. Besides Ben’s video, Loras students won four other awards. The Crystal Pillar awards will be on display at Loras College.

Congratulations, Ben!