Using automated technologies to perform precise experiments has become a very popular trend in the laboratory industry in recent years. Not only does automated equipment increase the productivity of the researcher, but it also helps provide repeatable results. Because automation is highly desired by researchers, LabStrong Corporation has added their automated AccuStop technology to their revolutionary Helix 250 Orbital Shaker.
Researchers across the country are finding the AccuStop feature to be very innovative and are ecstatic about how it can improve their processes. Engaging this feature on the shaker ensures that when the shaker is paused, the platform/tray will stop in the Home Location. The Home Location is a location where the platform/tray will start and stop when the AccuStop feature is engaged. As a result, researchers could increase the quality of their experimental data by using this Helix 250 feature along with automated samplers, potentially reducing their lab experimentation time, and increasing repeatability. In addition to the AccuStop feature, you can now program the Helix 250 via RS232 connection.
Click here to view the Helix 250 Orbital Shaker
About LabStrong Corporation
Founded in 2007, LabStrong is the supplier of popular laboratory products including the Fi-Streem distillation line, Helix line of orbital shakers and other OEM products. The company’s mission is to design and manufacture innovative laboratory equipment, focusing on product development for tailored high quality lab equipment applications. LabStrong develops concepts into functional, marketable products by listening and responding to customers unique performance requirements.